美麗的事物,總是在我們身邊。 我們急於生活而忽略了太多。 我今天有一個願望,希望能和您和我見面,但我們渴望純淨和穩定。 在燈的陰影下,每一步都是最美麗的,每一寸都是草和木頭的境界。
辦公環境也是我們追求生活時不可忽視的要點之一。 2000平方米的辦公環境,看看你的心是否感動?
設計理念:用細節創造品質,在這種情況下,先生 黃明在走廊的天花板上。使用鏡子可以擴大空間,同時還可以增加空間的亮度。 其他空間都設計有錯層天花板,以呼應空間的劃分。
前臺的背景牆使用整塊黑白大理石,大氣而美麗。 波紋不銹鋼天花板一方面分隔了前臺空間,另一方面又與大理石背景牆形成呼應,從而擴大了大理石的空間效果。
The background wall of the front desk uses the whole black and white root marble, atmospheric and beautiful. The water corrugated stainless steel ceiling, on the one hand, divides the front desk space, on the other hand, echoes with the marble background wall, extending the space effect of marble.
辦公區域使用大面積的地毯,既美觀,舒適又降低了噪音。 藍色交錯的裝飾框架為沉悶的作品增添了些許色彩。 用於辦公的辦公櫃也採用黃色和白色以滿足辦公需求。
The office area uses a large area of office carpet, beautiful, comfortable, reduce noise. Blue wrong case adornment is worn, add a colour to depressing job. The office cabinet used for work is also yellow and white to meet the needs of the office.
會議室以流暢的設計美感劃分,並以玻璃作為曲線,並在頂部表面呼應相同的形狀。 霧化玻璃的使用不僅可以確保空間的滲透性,還可以保護空間的私密性。 科技感與人性並存。
It is a curve with glass, the meeting room that divides with flow design aesthetic feeling, also use same modelling to carry on echo in its top surface. The use of atomized glass can not only ensure the permeability of the space, but also protect the privacy of the space. The sense of technology and humanity coexist.
多功能會議室黃鳴先生在玻璃門打開,關閉時將玻璃門隔開,這是一個封閉的會議室。 吊頂上的“鵝蛋”形狀給人耳目一新的感覺。 小會議室的木制桌面配有灰色椅子,簡潔舒適。 梯形玻璃牆是透明而美麗的。
Multi-functional conference room teacher Huang Ming in the glass door to do processing, so that when it is open is the partition of two Spaces, closed is a closed conference room. On condole top “goose egg” modelling gives a person with fresh feeling. Small conference room wooden table top with grey chairs, simple and comfortable. The vitreous metope of trapezoid, connect fully and beautiful.
經理辦公室配備了簡潔而又高效的會議區。 在業餘時間,我可以通過向下看向下方放鬆身心。
The manager’s office is matched with a concise visitor area, with bright space and efficient office. In my spare time from work, I can look down and relax mentally and physically.
在 在午後的陽光下,躺在懶惰的沙發上,喝杯咖啡,享受陽光的洗禮,一切都感到輕鬆自在。 鍛鐵吧椅,優雅的白色大理石和靠背的地毯都彰顯了休閒區的放鬆和舒適感。
Lying on a couch with a cup of coffee in the afternoon sun is nothing short of relaxing. The bar chair of iron art, the marble of elegant Shi Bai, return shape tecsom carpet, more highlight a leisure area to relax with comfortable.
樓梯鏡面天花板,黑色 牆壁上嵌有不規則線條,鏡面延伸了空間和燈光線條,充滿了輕奢技術。
The mirror ceiling of the stairwell, the black wall embedded irregular lines, the mirror extends the space and light lines, full of light luxury technology sense.
典雅的白色大理石,金色不銹鋼後蓋,更具高級感。 吊頂上的不規則孔會透射光線。 沒有主光源的效果會更令人愉悅嗎?
Face to face and see is the background wall of dark green, white marble, with gold stainless steel back word modelling, more advanced sense. The irregular groove on the ceiling gives out light. The effect that does not have main lamp is more let a person rejoice.
會議室採用複式天花板,軟膜吊燈和集中照明。 玻璃門由玻璃隔板製成,可以用作開放式辦公室。 空間寬敞,視野透明。
Meeting room adopts the staggered ceiling, soft film chandelier, light concentration. Glass door selection glass partition, can do open office. Spacious space, vision transparent.
經理辦公室的牆壁由高級灰色和灰色製成 沙發,整體感覺簡單大方。 站在落地大窗前,我不禁感歎:“我將登上山頂,俯瞰群山和群山。”
The wall of the manager’s office is a senior gray, with a gray sofa, the overall feeling is simple and generous. Large French window, standing in front of the window, can not help but sigh “will be Ling extremely, a list of small mountains.”
休閒區由空心鐵藝製成,作為功能性的隔斷,它是一個用餐區,另一個是休息區。 休閒區功能齊全,對人性化的深思熟慮可以更好地反映公司對員工的人文關懷。
The leisure area uses hollow iron to make a functional partition, which serves as a dining area and a rest area. The leisure area has complete functions and considerate consideration of humanization, which can more reflect the humanistic care of a company for employees.
辦公樓內的浴室基本上經過幹,濕分開處理。 臉盆是由白色大理石製成的,乾淨整潔,讓人感到愉悅。
The toilet of the office building is basically to do the separation of dry and wet treatment. The washbasin is made of white marble, which highlights the cleanliness and cleanliness and makes people happy.
設計師和幕後工程團隊的辛勤工作對於登陸是必不可少的。 感謝每個在後臺默默付出的工程師!