The Future of ERP in Hong Kong – Predictions and Trends for the Next Decade
In today's fast-paced and ever-changing business landscape, it's crucial for companies to stay ahead of the competition. One way to gain an edge is by...
香港一直以來都是一個繁忙而現代化的城市,而隨著香港電子支付科技的不斷進步,支付方式也在不斷演變。現在,越來越多的香港人選擇使用電子支付和手機付款錢包來進行交易,這不僅更快速方便,還提供了更多的便利性和安全性。讓我們一起來探索這個令人興奮的趨勢。 (more…)
自2019起,相關“人口老齡化、客戶總流量慢慢消散,移動互聯總體逐漸向互聯網經濟轉型發展”的結果就此起彼伏,而在這裡發展趨勢下,許多曾置身android app 開發者也開始了焦慮,陸續傳出移動應用開發已山窮水盡的感慨。 (more…)
UVC disinfection, LED or HID?
UVC disinfection is not a new concept, which has been existing for a long time. But it's quite hot, and attracted much more attention this...
A Brief Introduction To Robotics And 3D Vision
The proposal of "Made in China 2025" and the "New Generation Artificial Intelligence Development Plan" marked that my country has officially entered the era of...