美麗的事物,總是在我們身邊。 我們急於生活而忽略了太多。 我今天有一個願望,希望能和您和我見面,但我們渴望純淨和穩定。 在燈的陰影下,每一步都是最美麗的,每一寸都是草和木頭的境界。 (more…)
Explore The Possibilities of Family Space
For ACE, to explore the possibility of family space, it is inevitable that life and documentary, two key words, are created and presented in space....
時下,時代變遷,萬物更新,在這裡熱潮下,新發展理念、新觀念持續轉型造型藝術與社會制度,室內設計師當以哪種方法開展思索,大城市當以哪種外貌不斷發展趨勢? (more…)
How to Choose Wallpaper
You can use prepasted wallpaper to create optical illusions in your home and have the effects that you want. For instance, if you have low...